Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Kansela Taka Dadus Veteranus, Xanana : Veteranus Tenke Onestu ba Aan rasik

Posting Husi : Miro nascimento
DILI -  Primeiru Ministru (PM), Xanana Gusma, apela ba veteranus sira atu hatudu onestidade ba aan rasik, bainhira halo falsifikasaun dokumentu ho intensaun atu  hetan pensaun veteranus nian.
“Hau tenke esklarese  nudar Primeiru Ministru, hau tenke hare buat sira ne’e hotu  hodi  dehan osan Estadu nian hirak mak atú ba iha ne’eba, mas hau mos tenke husu ba veteranus hotu-hotu karik ita partisipa 7 anos, lalika tau 12 anos, karik ita partisipa 5 anos lalika tau 8 anos, tanba ema ida la hamoe ita, karik ita partisipa 10 anos  lalika tau 32 anos, ema ida sei la hamoe ita,” PM Xanana kasu lia hirak nee ba Jurnalista  liu husi Konferensia da Imprensa ne’ebe halaó iha Aeroportu Internasional Nicolao LObato, Sesta (25/03).Pri

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Xanana iha Jakarta

Xanana Gusmao Asuwain

Indonesia Tertarik Investasi di Timor Leste

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Pemerintah Indonesia menyambut baik tawaran pemerintah Timor Leste untuk mendorong investasi Indonesia di negara tersebut di berbagai bidang termasuk pertambangan minyak serta infrastruktur.

Hal tersebut disampaikan Staf Khusus Presiden bidang hubungan internasional Teuku Faizasyah dalam keterangan pers di Kantor Presiden Jakarta terkait pertemuan antara Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dengan Perdana Menteri Timor Leste Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao di Istana Merdeka Jakarta, Selasa.

"Kerjasama ekonomi dalam hal pembangunan infrastruktur, kerjasama perdagangan, turisme dalam arti membangun kapasitas sektor itu di Timor Leste," kata Faiza.

Menurutnya ada juga keinginan Indonesia untuk masuk ke wilayah investasi di sektor perminyakan dan gas, pemerintah RI sambut positif undangan itu.

Selain tertarik untuk mendorong investasi di Timor Leste, Pemerintah Indonesia juga menawarkan fasilitas kredit ekspor bagi Timor Leste dalam pembelian peralatan militer terkait dengan ketertarikan negara itu terhadap produk PT PAL.

Namun demikian, Faiza belum bisa memastikan nilai kredit ekspor yang akan diberikan pemerintah RI karena akan dibahas lebih jauh dalam pertemuan perwakilan kedua negara secara lebih teknis. "Kedua negara juga sudah memiliki catatan kemajuan kerjasama kedua negara sehingga nanti bisa dinilai sejauh mana perkembangan kerjasama kedua negara di berbagai bidang," katanya.

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan PM Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao menyaksikan penandatanganan nota kesepahaman di sejumlah bidang yang menandai peningkatan kerjasama kedua negara.

Penandatangan nota kesepahaman itu berlangsung di Istana Merdeka Jakarta, Selasa oleh masing-masing menteri dari kedua negara yang berbatasan secara langsung di darat tersebut.

Nota kesepahaman itu masing-masing di bidang pendidikan dan pelatihan diplomat, kerjasama teknis bidang pariwisata dan perdagangan.

Kemudian pengembangan infrastruktur dan kerjasama teknis di bidang desentralisasi serta tata kelola, kerjasama bidang kelautan dan perikanan dan kerjasama bidang pendidikan dan transportasi.

Sebelum menyaksikan penandatangan nota kesepahaman dan letter of intent, kedua pemimpin mengadakan pertemuan bilateral membicarakan perkembangan hubungan kedua negara.
Editor: Bambang
Ikuti berita terkini di handphone anda di

PM Xanana: Ema ne'ebe maka fahe dokumentus falsu konaba UNTAS laran ladun mos

Dili. Forum Haksesuk (FH). PM Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, "ema ne'ebe maka fahe ka distribui lista naran UNTAS, hatudu katak ema ne'e laran ladun mos", kasu lia hirak ne'e ba jornalista sira hafoin surumutuk ho Prezidente Republika iha Palacio Aitarak Laran, Dili, Quarta-Feira (16/03/2011). Hatutan PM Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, "relaciona ho kasu UNTAS, balun hahu soe ona isu katak CNRT atu loke dalan ba populasaun sira iha kampu refujiadu fila mai iha 2012 vota ba CNRT, maibe atu dehan deit katak CNRT iha votus suficiente". Konaba tendencia votasaun iha 2012, "husik ba povo maka avalia, se Governu Ukun diak sira vota nafatin, se ukun ladiak sira sei vota ba seluk. hanesan mos iha governasaun anterior, ukun ladiak povu julga iha eleisaun 2007", haktuir PM Xanana.

Tuir informasaun ne'ebe maka fo sai iha media, konaba falsifikasaun ba dokumentus UNTAS husi grupo balun hodi hatama naran membrus Governus no personalidades sira balun iha Timor-Leste. Jornal Nacional Diario (JND) iha ninia edisaun Quarta-Feira (16/03/2011) hatun versaun orijinal konaba Lista estruturas UNTAS rezultadu kongressu fulan Dezembru 2010. Hakerek JND, "Dokumentus UNTAS probaganda politika grupo ida nian (JND, 16/03/2011, paj. 1 no 15)".

Tuir Deputado Duarte Nunes, husi CNRT, Presidente Komisaun B, asuntu Seguransa no Defesa, "Wainhira ható ninia komentariu konaba dokumentus ne’e falsifikadu hodi sai hanesan material probaganda, katak ”nudar presidente ba Komisaun B ne’ebe kaer ba asuntu Defesa no Seguransa, preokupa duni ho isu konaba UNTAS liu husi dokumentus ne’ebe publiku sei duvida konaba ninia orijinalidade”. Tenik tan Duarte Nunes, Presidente Komisaun B Parlamentu Nasional, ”falsifikasaun dokumentus ho ninia objektivu maka kria instabilidade, nudar responsavel ba komisaun B preokupa ba kasu ne’e rasik”.

Husi parte Conselho Senado Estudantil-UNTL, hato sira ninia exijencia atu autoridades kompotentes sira tau matan ba kasu UNTAS ne'ebe maka oras ne'e infiltra ona iha teritoriu Timor-Leste. Petisaun ne'e asinatura husi estudantes hamutuk 22. Petisaun ne'e hato ba: Prezidente Republika, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Primeiru-Ministru, Tribunal Rekursus, Prokurador Jeral Republika no CEMFA Maijor Jeneral Taur Matan Ruak.

Hatan ba estudante sira ninia petisaun, Prezidente Republika hato ba media sira katak, "nudar Prezidente Republika, preokupa liu ho estudante sira ninia aprveitamentu eskolares ba materias hanesan fisika, kimika, biolojia no ciencia sira seluk. Konaba kestaun politika husi ba politiku sira", haktuir Prezidente Ramos Horta.

Parte seluk sira nebe maka sai vitimas ba probaganda ne'e sei move precesu judicial kontra se maka defama sira nia naran, falsifikasaun ba dokumentus no intensaun ba harii instabilidade nasional. Tuir Pedro ne'ebe membru ba defesa haktuir katak, "sira iha tempo badak sei lori procesu ba Prokurador Jeral Republika hodi inicia ba investigasaun".

Tuir Naran sira ne'ebe maka mosu iha dokumentus falsu, mosu ho ninia versaun keta-ketak, iha fulan ida liu ba, ema sira be konsidere nudar membru UNTAS iha Timor-Leste, hakerek naran ho kargus kompletu. Versaun ida fali ne'ebe maka Conselho Senado Estudantil-UNTL nian hato, oin seluk fali ona, tau maka naran maibe sem kargu ka okupa kargus ruma!
Escolha husi Forum Haksesuk


Fernando Lasama Araujo


DILI – Prezidente Partidu De mokratiku aktual Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Fernando La Sama Araujo promete katak nia parte sei la fo dalan no sei la aseita atu akontese tan krizi hanesan tinan 2006.
“Hau sei la aseita no sei la fo dalan ba buat aat ne’e mosu fali, hanesan iha tinan 2006 kotuk liu ba nee,” Lasama hatoo liafuan nee nee liu husi nia deskursu wainhira halo konsolidasaun no tomada de posse ba estrutura nivel aldeia PD nian, iha Bairo Beducu, Sabado (19/03).

Nia deklara liafuan hirak ne’e razaun katak situasaun agora dadauk ne’e, povu hakarak dezenvolvimentu nasaun tenke lao ba oin ho diak. Tamba ne’e, nia fiar katak wainhira sei tuur hamutuk ho Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão, nia sei la fo dalan atu nune’e situasaun ne’e akotense fali hanesan iha tempu pasadu nian.“Wainhira hau sei tuur hamutuk ho maun boot Xanana, ami sei la fo dalan atu nune’e buat aat nee bele akontese fila fali,” nia promete.

Iha fatin nee mos, Lasama reafirma, bainhira sei assumi Kargu Presidente Parlamentu Nasional, maka nia sei la fo dalan atu krize ne’e mosu fila fali.

“Kuandu hau sei asumi kargu Presidente Parlamentu Nasional nian, maka hau sei la fo dalan atu nune’e bele akontese fila fali,” nia afirma.

Krize nebee mosu iha 2006, tinan hirak liu ba, halo ema barak terus, halo ema barak lakon sira nia vida, halo ema barak lakon sira nia sasan uma laran. Balun lakon nia oan, balun lakon nia aman inan, maun alin, no buat seluk tan, ne’ebe haloa ema barak sente triste no sente lakon buat barak relasiona ho situasaun iha momentu ne’eba. Pri

Tiba di Istana, Xanana Disambut Hangat SBY

Jakarta - Perdana Menteri Republik Demokratik Timor Leste, Xanana Gusmao, tiba di kompleks Istana Merdeka Jakarta. Kedatangan Xanana langsung disambut hangat Presiden SBY bersama sejumlah menteri.

Xanana mengenakan jas hitam tiba bersama sejumlah staf dari Timor Leste dan pengawal pribadinya, Selasa (22/3/2011) sekitar pukul 11.00 WIB.

Ia langsung disambut SBY di depan Istana Merdeka. Mereka berpelukan, bersalaman dan terlihat berbincang-bincang. Keduanya saling menebar senyum.

Setelah itu, SBY memperkenalkan Xanana kepada sejumlah menteri Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu Jilid II di antaranya, Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Mensesneg Sudi Silalahi, Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad, Menteri Perdagangan Mari Elka Pangestu, Menteri Luar Negeri Marty Natalegawa, dan Menteri Perhubungan Freddy Numberi.

Pria kelahiran 20 Juni 1946 di Timor Leste ini bersama SBY akan membahas sejumlah isu seperti pertahanan, hubungan perdagangan, dan hubungan bilateral kedua negara.

Setelah bertemu sekitar 30 menit, acara akan dilanjutkan dengan santap siang bersama. Pukul 14.50 WIB, Xanana menuju Universitas Indonesia untuk memberikan kuliah umum.

Rencananya Rabu 23 Maret 2011, Xanana akan mengikuti pertemuan internasional dan dialog tentang pertahanan. Xanana juga akan mengunjungi Sekretariat Asean.


Tetap update informasi di manapun dengan dari browser ponsel anda!

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Xanana: “Akuzasaun Ba Membru Governu, Naksalak”

Josefa Parada - Segunda, 14 Marsu 2011 - SUARA TIMOR LOROSAE

DILI – Akuzasaun husi Prokuradoria Jeral Republika ba Vise Primeiru Ministru, Jose Luis Guterres no membru governu seluk, konsidera hanesan buat ruma naksalak. Primeiru Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão fo sai deklarasaun ne’e iha Aeroportu Nicolau Lobato, wainhira fila hikas husi ninia vizita ba estranjeiru.“Hau hare katak buat ruma ladun lao diak. Ne’eduni hau hein hela bainhira maka hau. Hau dehan tiha ona iha Parlamentu foin dadauk diskuti kona ba kontas estadu, bainhira hau tama ita rame-rame. Hau koalia ne’e tanba hau tinan hitu tiha ona, ne’ebe ita rame-rame vizita malu,” Xanana hateten liu husi konferensia imprensa iha Aeroportu, Komoro-Dili, Sabadu (12/03).

Deklarasaun PM Xanana nian, relasiona ho kazu akuzasaun ba membru governu hanesan Vise PM, Jose Luis Guterres, Ministru Administrasaun Estatal no Ordenamentu Teritoriu (MAOET), Arcangelo Leite, no mos Ministra Justisa, Lucia Lo¬bato. Tamba nia sente buat ruma lao sala ona.

“Hau respeitu teb-tebes instituisaun ida ne’ebe responde ba prezidente. Hau la aseita nudar membru governu, akuzasaun saida, laiha arguidu ne’e saida, arguidu tanba sa? Ita hotu komprende iha konstrusaun estadu ne’e, ita maka tenke buka hare took ida ne’ebe mak laos diak ho ida ne’ebe mak lao ladun diak. Problema mak ne’e, ita nian hotu, laos Ministeriu Publiku, laos Parlamentu nian maibe ita nudar sosiedade,” Xanana dehan.

Nia hanoin, ho akuzasaun hirak ne’ebe halo ba governu ne’ebe nia rasik lidera, hanesan fali governu ida ne’e mak mesak halo pratika korupsaun. “Labele sala, ami husu ba ema sira ne’ebe interpreta konstituisaun iha sistema hanesan laos governu maka atu halo suspensaun,” hatete Xanana.

Iha oportunidade ida ne’e, Vise PM Jose Luis Guterres hatete mos katak nia halo prestasaun iha iha Tribunal Distrital Dili ho nia sentimentu bo’ot no inocente nudar sidadaun ida. Ne’eduni agora dadauk Parlamentu Nasional liu husi Komisaun I, sei halo diskusaun oinsa atu bele suspende nia.
Kona ba asuntu atu suspensaun ba iha Vise PM, Tribunal Distritu Dili haruka ona karta ida ba iha meja Presidente Parlamentu Nasional, Fernando Lasama Araujo, atu konsidera. Karta ne’e baixa ba iha Komisaun I, ne’ebe trata asuntu regulamentu internu, etika, no mandatu deputadu sira nian.

Tuir Lasama, Tribunal Distritu Dili presiza karta suspensaun ne’e klarifika no hakerek ona iha konstituisaun, fo ona seguransa ba iha Parlamentu Nasional atu prosesa levantamentu imunidade ba membru governu sira. Car

Xanana Kongratula MF, Horta Husu Loke Internet Kafetaria Iha Dist


DILI - Ministeriu Finansas (MF), lansa portal transparensia governu, ho objektivu fo sai orsamentu estadu nebe maka durante ne’e iha deit tesoreira, maibe ho portal ne’e ema hotu bele asesu ba orsamentu nomos ninia ezekusaun.

Ministra Finansas (MF) Emilia pires, hafoin lansamentu Portal Transparensia ba jornalista sira hateten, portal ne’e importante tebes, tamba transparensia nomos kontein dadus hotu nebe dala barak sai preokupasaun Parlamentu Nasional (PN), sosidade sivil nomos ema barak nian.

“ Portal importante tebes tamba transparensia, konten dadus hotu nebe normalmente PN husu, sosiadade sivil husu, dadus nebe ami rasik dala barak la hetan, persija tempu barak atu konstrui dadus atu hetan agora finalmenete ami hetan duni,” dehan MF Emilia hafoin lansamentu portal transparensia ba jornalista sira, iha Dili Convention Center, eis Merkadu Lama, Tersa (15/3).

Nia hatutuan, ho portal ne’e sei fo sai dadus orsamentu husi Minsiteriu sira, ezekusaun husi orsamentu, hafoin bele halo analizasaun rasik konaba ezekusaun ba orsamentu husi ministeriu sira.

Lansamentu portal Transparensia, hetan reasaun positivu husi Primeiru Minsitru (PM) Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão. Iha ninia deskursu PM Xanana Kongratula Ministeriu Finansas, nebe esforsu makas atu realize programa ne’e.

“ hau nia kongratula ba Ministeriu Finansas, ba esforsu nebe sira halo atu lansa portal ne’e, ne’e hanesan pasu ida diak tebes,” tenik PM Xanana.

Nune’e Prezidenti Republika (PR) Jose Ramos Horta, nebe marka mos prezensa iha lansamentu ne’e, sujere ba governu atu loke Internet kafetaria iha distritu sira, atu nune’e ema hotu iha Distritu bele akompanha transparensia orsamentu estadu nian.

“ hau hanoin portal ne’e importante I kapas tebes, maibe se karik bele hanoin to’ok loke mos internet kafetaria iha distritu sira, atu nune’e komunidade sira iha distritu mos bele akompanha,” dehan PR Horta.

Alende loke internet Kafetaria iha Distritu sira, PR Horta mos husu atu hatu’un presu Internet, tamba tuir nia hare folin internet karun tebes, maske nune’e PR Horta rasik iha tiha ona Internet gratuita iha Jardim Palasiu Prezidenti, nebe sempre nakonu ho jovem sira. Internet ne’e loke durante oras 24. Josefa Parada


Senin, 14 Maret 2011

"Estabilidade Nasional Nudar Resultadu Ukun AMP Nian"

Husi: Jose da Costa

Liafuan Estabilidade komesa hetan ona fatin importante, iha deklarasaun politiko nain sira nian. Politiko nain hanesan Fretilin mos komesa aviza ona katak Tinan 10 tuir mai temke sai dekade paz nian. Fretilin nia portavos sira iha parlamentu mos komesa ona hasai deklarasaun oin-oin hodi dehan Fretilin mak garantia estabilidade. Sira dehan lakohi ona Violensia, maske realidade balun hatudu iha pasadu katak kuandu lakon ona eleisaun komesa halo ona atakasaun iha fatin-fatin, liu-liu iha Distritu tolu sektor Leste nian. Parte AMP sira nian, partidu hirak nebe koliga hamutuk iha AMP mos komesa hakbesik a'an ba povo liu-liu ba nia militante sira hodi dehan estabilidade importante ba dezenvolvimentu. Se laiha karik estabilidade laiha mos dezenvolvimentu. Ne'e be kuaze ema hotu ou povo tomak husi ki'ik to'o bo'ot kompriende tebes ona saida mak diak ba nasaun ida ne'e, maske politko nain balun tenta desvia fali sira nia atensaun. Se nune'e deklarasaun sira be dehan garantia estabilidade ne'e ladun relevansia iha situasaun agora tamba bele hamosu duvida barak. Duvida mak ne'e, Fretilin garantia estabilidade oinsa? Tamba lakohi ona marsa da paz hakarak fali marsa para vitoria ne'e mak garantia paz ona? tamba lakohi atu kria konflitu? ou garantia oinsa? hau hanoin ema sira nebe atu mai tuir marsa da paz ka marsa para vitoria ka marsa saida deit sira ne'e mos parte ida husi povo Timor Leste nian, nebe kuase hetan hotu benefisio oitoan-oitoan husi Governo ida agora, tamba ne'e duvida bo'ot se Fretilin mak Garantia Estabilidae Timor nian. So uluk karik, tamba uluk kuandu iha governasauan Fretilin nian mos ulun bo'ot Fretilin sira dehan bebeik nune'e, so Fretilin deit mak bele kria estabilidade no bele kria mos Instabilidade (kompriende tamba Fretilin mak Governa, Fretilin mak ka'er no gere polisia nune'e fasil atu instrumentaliza to'o fahe kilat mos), nebe laiha duvida buat ida. Mais agora ne'e duvida bo'ot, garantia oinsa. 

Maibe kuandu hau refleta didiak pesoalmente katak Estabilidade nebe iha, ohin loron iha ita nia rain maske sidauk klean, ne'e tamba povo nia kontribuisaun liu husi benefisiu nebe mak povo sira hetan. Imagina to'ok se fose Governo ida ne'e, Governo AMP nian ne'e mak hatudu ukun hanesan deit ou a'at liu fali uluk Fretilin nian, parese konflitu mosu a'at liu fali hirak nebe mosu ona iha ita nia rain iha tempu hirak ba kotuk. Maibe povo ida ne'e hatene liu-liu joven sira hatene no konsiente katak sira hahu dadaun ona hetan benefisiu husi AMP nia ukun, entaun sira hanoin ba halo konflitu ka kria problema halo saida? Mai tuir fali marsa da paz halo saida? ba afavor fali para depois sunu edifisiu governo sira nian halo saida? ba sai fali atan ba ema sira nebe hamrook ran sira halo saida?. Povo ida ne'e matenek ona no iha esperiensia partisipa funu tempu naruk nian, nebe kuaze sira hatene ba se mak sira apoio no halo nusa mak sira bele hamrik hodi kontra. Ita iha istoria tinan rua-rua mosu konflitu iha ita nia rain, sorti bo'ot buat ruma la akontese iha 2010. Ne'e mak realidadde nebe ita hetan no hasoru dadaun iha ita nia rai ne'e. Tamba ne'e mak hau bele dehan katak laiha ona konflitu bo'ot no naruk iha ita nia rain purke povo hetan ona benefisiu oitoan-oitoan maske labarak, maibe pelumenus sira bele sente ukun ida AMP nian oinsa.

Ita mos bele observa katak iha Dili, iha tasi ibun sira, komesa hari ona andar oin-oin, komesa loke apartement oin-oin to'o Timor Plaza mos atu finaliza ona, kompanhia balun husi rai bar-barak komesa ona hakat mai dadaun iha ita nia rain para husu se sira bele investe iha Timor ka la'e. Ita mos bele hare iha distritu Ai Rin Eletrisidade nian komesa ke'e no hari dadaun ona iha teritorio tomak, tinan ida ne'e komesa tan ho uma 5 kada aldeia iha teritorio Timor laran tomak, ne'e mak benefisiu nebe povo hare no sente ho sira nia matan ba ukun ida husi AMP sira nian. Ema la bulak hari uma no andar bar-barak iha Timor se sira lahare estabilidade iha Timor. Tamba ne'e mak ita temke ho honesto hodi hateten estabilidade nebe mak ita iha agora tamba povo mak lakohi ona atu kria konflitu, sira lakohi purke sira komesa hare katak sira nia moris no labarik sira nia futuru komesa hatudu dadaun ona i sei hatudu diak liu tan liu husi Planu Estrategiko Dezenvolvimentu Nasional nebe maun bo'ot Xanana lori la'o haleu Timor Laran tomak.

Hakerek nain nudar Vendedor ikan iha Tasi Ibun Lecidere Dili


SIMU MALU - Vise Premeiru Ministru, Jose Luis Guterres hamutuk ho membru governu tomak simu Xefi Governu, Xanana Gusmao iha Aeroportu Presidenti Nicolau Lobato, Komoro, Dili, Sabadu (12/3). PM Xanana hala’o vizita durante semana tolu iha rai liur. - FOTO STL/OSCAR SALSINHA


DILI – Akuzasaun husi Prokuradoria Jeral Republika ba Vise Primeiru Ministru, Jose Luis Guterres no membru governu seluk, konsidera hanesan buat ruma naksalak. Primeiru Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão fo sai deklarasaun ne’e iha Aeroportu Nicolau Lobato, wainhira fila hikas husi ninia vizita ba estranjeiru.
“Hau hare katak buat ruma ladun lao diak. Ne’eduni hau hein hela bainhira maka hau. Hau dehan tiha ona iha Parlamentu foin dadauk diskuti kona ba kontas estadu, bainhira hau tama ita rame-rame.

Hau koalia ne’e tanba hau tinan hitu tiha ona, ne’ebe ita rame-rame vizita malu,” Xanana hateten liu husi konferensia imprensa iha Aeroportu, Komoro-Dili, Sabadu (12/03).

Deklarasaun PM Xanana nian, relasiona ho kazu akuzasaun ba membru governu hanesan Vise PM, Jose Luis Guterres, Ministru Administrasaun Estatal no Ordenamentu Teritoriu (MAOET), Arcangelo Leite, no mos Ministra Justisa, Lucia Lo¬bato. Tamba nia sente buat ruma lao sala ona.

“Hau respeitu teb-tebes instituisaun ida ne’ebe responde ba prezidente. Hau la aseita nudar membru governu, akuzasaun saida, laiha arguidu ne’e saida, arguidu tanba sa? Ita hotu komprende iha konstrusaun estadu ne’e, ita maka tenke buka hare took ida ne’ebe mak laos diak ho ida ne’ebe mak lao ladun diak. Problema mak ne’e, ita nian hotu, laos Ministeriu Publiku, laos Parlamentu nian maibe ita nudar sosiedade,” Xanana dehan.

Nia hanoin, ho akuzasaun hirak ne’ebe halo ba governu ne’ebe nia rasik lidera, hanesan fali governu ida ne’e mak mesak halo pratika korupsaun. “Labele sala, ami husu ba ema sira ne’ebe interpreta konstituisaun iha sistema hanesan laos governu maka atu halo suspensaun,” hatete Xanana.

Iha oportunidade ida ne’e, Vise PM Jose Luis Guterres hatete mos katak nia halo prestasaun iha iha Tribunal Distrital Dili ho nia sentimentu bo’ot no inocente nudar sidadaun ida. Ne’eduni agora dadauk Parlamentu Nasional liu husi Komisaun I, sei halo diskusaun oinsa atu bele suspende nia.

Kona ba asuntu atu suspensaun ba iha Vise PM, Tribunal Distritu Dili haruka ona karta ida ba iha meja Presidente Parlamentu Nasional, Fernando Lasama Araujo, atu konsidera. Karta ne’e baixa ba iha Komisaun I, ne’ebe trata asuntu regulamentu internu, etika, no mandatu deputadu sira nian.

Tuir Lasama, Tribunal Distritu Dili presiza karta suspensaun ne’e klarifika no hakerek ona iha konstituisaun, fo ona seguransa ba iha Parlamentu Nasional atu prosesa levantamentu imunidade ba membru governu sira. Car

Governu Sei Harii Monumentu Konis Santana Iha Mertutu...

FATIN SUBAR KONIS - Ida ne’e mak fatin subar Komandante Nino Konis Santana durante halo Geriliu iha Rejiaun IV. Nia subar iha Mertutu Distritu Ermera, no mate iha 11/03/1998. - FOTO STL : PRIZALDO ALMEIDA

Fatin Subar Haksumik ba Turismu

ERMERA - Governu planea ona atu harii monumentu Saudozu Nino Konis Santana iha Suco Mertutu Sub Distritu Gleno, Distritu Ermera. Konstrusaun monumentu nee hodi relembra Luta saudozu Konis nian ba Liberdade Nasaun.
Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, promote ona atu transforma subar fatin Komandante Nino Konis Santana, iha Mertutu, hanesan fatin Turismu. “Hau hasoru PM Xanana, nia rasik hatete atu halo monumentu ida iha mertutu para ema hotu bele mai vizita inklui turista sira sira,” hatete Caitano Lopes Ximenes, (ema nebe subar Konis Santana iha nia uma, ba STL sesta (11/03).

Subar fatin saudozu Konis nian iha Mertutu durante nee sai fatin vizita, laos joven luta nain sira, maibe turista estranjeiru balun. Nunee uma Caitano nian nudar fatin publiku nebe kuaze lor-loron ema tama sai somente atu haree diretamente subar fatin Nino Konis nian.

“Hau hanoin bainhira harii oan monumentu, fatin nee sei rame liu, ema mai laos haree deit rate saudozu Konis nian, maibe haree mos nia subar fatin iha hau nia uma nee,” hatete Caitano.

PM Xanana rasik katak Caitano hakarak subar fatin Saudozu Konis nian iha Mertutu tenke sai fatin istoria ba Nasaun, ema nebe vizita ba fatin hirak nee bele hanoin katak luta ba ukun rasik aan nebe daudaun goza laos fasil, maibe liu husi sofrementu boot ida no sakrifika ema barak nia vida moris inklui saudozu Konis.

Komandante Nino Konis Santana postu ikus nudar Xefi Comando das Falintil, postu ida nee intrega direita husi Komandante da Luta, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, ne’ebe hanesan funu nain sira nia kompanhero durante luta ba ukun rasik aan.

Caitano informa mos durante ne’e iha ona ekipa ida survey ona fatin neba ho planu atu halo uluk moru haleu rate saudozu Konis nian antes hahu konstrusaun monumentu. Maibe too oras nee seidauk realiza.

Familia husi Komandante Nino Konis Santana rasik durante nee esforsu makaas atu lori ruin Konis nian ba nia knua moris fatin (Tutuala Lospalos), maibé povú Rai Ermera la hatan ho razaun Saudozu Konis sai ona aman Luta nian ba povu Ermera hodi soe isin no vida tomak iha Distritu Ermera. “Hau laos dehan lakoi atú lori ba Lospalos, maibé povú iha ne’e mak lakoi atú lori ba Lospalos, tan ba ne’e hau husu ita hotu nia komprensaun hodi simu, tamba povú iha rai ne’e kosidera nia hanesan aman boot ba sira nia rai ne’e,” nia hateten.

Poqil_Malay, (Familia husi Tutuala Lospalos), hatete maske dook tinan-tinan sempre vizita rate saudozu Konis nian iha Ermera. Malay simu ho kontente wainhira Governu nebe lidera husi kompanhero Xanana Gusmao iha inisiativa harii monumentu Nino Konis Santana iha Ermera. “Ba ami nee kapas tebes, maibé labele halo deit iha Ermera, se bele halo mós iha Lospalos iha nia rai Tutuala atú nune’e ema hotu bele hatene katak Nino moris iha Lospalos, nomate iha Ermera,” tenik Malay.

Julmira (Vizitante) hateten nia parte sente kontente no agradese wain bainhira vizita subar fatin no rate Komandante Nino Konis Santana nian. Subar fatin Ninos Konis Santana nian sei hola parte iha istoria luta ba libertasaun nasional. Povu rai nee inklui nia jerasaun sira sei lahaluha nia patrioata boot ida hanesan Konis no sira seluk nebe saran vida tomak ba libertasaun rai nee.

“Hau pesoal fo apoiu ba inisiativa Governu, karik iha intensaun diak atú harii Monumentu ba saudozu Nino Konis Santana iha nia subar fatin mertutu, lor-loron ema sempre mai vizita fatin nee hodi haree no relembra funu nain nee nia luta no mate tan ba ukun rasik aan,” hatete Julmira.

Tey Moco (Familia husi Tutuala Lospalos) hatete katak, nia parte triste wainhira haree subar fatin Nino Konis Santana nian, subar fatin nee bele dehan aat liu komarka, maibe ida nee valor luta nian, katak liu husi sofrementu hirak nee agora goza ukun aan. Tan ba nee diak liu wainhira governu hanoin atu harii komumentu ida iha subar fatin Saudozu Konis nian. pri

PM Gusmao: “Accusation of Prosecutor General against Government’s officials is wrong”

Suara Timor Lorosa’e, March 14, 2011 language source: Tetun

Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao, said the accusations made by the Public Prosecution against Deputy Prime Minister Jose Luis Guterres and other officials in the Government was wrong as something was not done correctly.“I see that something was not done in the right way. I told Parliament during the debate for the state accounts that when I am also included in the accusations then you should all be included as well.

I am saying this, because it took seven years for me to make observations, that is why we all will visit each other,” PM Gusmao said.

PM Gusmao made the statement regarding the accusations made against his Deputy Jose Luis Guterres, Minister of Administration and Territorial Management Arcangelo Leite and the Minister of Justice Lucia Lobato.

Deputy Prime Minister for Social Issues, Jose Luis Guterres, said he appeared in the court to be tried as he believes that he is innocent.

The Parliamentary President Fernando “Lasama” de Araujo, said the court needs a suspension letter from the Parliament as it is outlined in the constitution the Parliament should initiate the process to remove the political immunity of Government’s officials.

PM Gusmao: “Judicial system in Timor-Leste looks like the system during the time of Colonials and dictators”

Diario Nacional, March 14, 2011 language source: Tetun

Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao, said the judicial system in Timor-Leste seems like the system from the time of colonials and dictatorships.PM Gusmao made the statements, because many of his officials, such as Deputy Prime Minister for Social Issues, Jose Luis Guterres, Finance and Planning Minister Emilia Pires, Minister of Administration and Territorial Management Arcangelo Leite and Justice Minister Lucia Lobato have been accused of engaging in corruption.

“My age will reach 65 years old in June. I lived during the Portuguese, Indonesians up to this time and I am getting old. If we called the Portuguese time a colonial time and the Indonesian time a dictatorship time, then at this time we see that the colonial and dictatorship still exist,” PM Gusmao said.

PM Gusmao added that something had not gone right, because the court erased the name of Foreign Affairs Minister Zacarias Albano da Costa who was also believed to have engaged in abuse of power and later other people were accused such as Finance Minister Emilia Pires, Minister of Administration and Territorial Management, and Minister of Justice Lucia Lobato were accused to engaged in corruption.

Responsavel Kaixa CNRT (uluk) Tama Partidu CNRT

Partidu CNRT halo tan istoria ida iha suku Duyung, sub distritu Metinaro, ne'ebe iha responvel sira uluk iha Kaixa, NUREP, CELCOM tama hikas fali ba partidu CNRT. Sira dehan " uluk ita hamutuk liberta patria ona, ogora fila fali tenki hamutuk fali ho maun boot iha partidu CNRT atu luta ba "liberta povo hasai husi mukit".

Iha fatin ne'eba mos vice Sekjen sr. Fo Laran hanesan ema luta nain ida konta historia pasadu iha resistensia nia laran too mai TL hetan ukun an. Historia atu hatuur/hametin espiritu nasionalismu, historia mos atu hatuur/hametin patriotismu ba jenasaun foun no jerasaun tuan ne'ebe seidauk hatene historia iha rai laran. Iha konsolidasaun ne'e, presidente husi oragnisasaun ida-idak : OJP ( sr. Xito) , OMP (sr. Iguilda) , KP (Ilidio/Sakoko) hato'o nia programa no visaun/misaun ba kuadrus politiku no militante no simpatisantes husi nivel sub distritu too ba aldeia.

Nune mos Sekjen partidu CNRT, sr. Dionisio Babo halo kompleta liu tan saida mak sr. Fo Laran mensiona liu husi historia komparativu husi rai liu hanesan Angola, Mosambique, Guine Bisau nebe ukun an kleur ona maibe sei funu fatin. Iha ninia koalia husu atu militante no simpatisante sira no kuadru politiku sira tenki kaer metin buat nebe sai savi ba desenvolvimentu  mak hanesan: valorisa historia uluk, valorisa vetaranu sira, valoirisa kultura, hametin unidade/pas. Taka ninia koalia, Sekjen partidu dehan ba militante no simpatisante sira katak " FIAR AN LAO BA OIN".



Washington DC 24 FEBRUARY 2011

Your Excellencies
Ladies and Gentlemen,

First and foremost, allow me to say how happy I am, to be here today, at the prestigious John Hopkins University, to share with you a reflection on the Timorese experience in its transition from conflict to development.
It is a great honour for me to address such a distinguished audience, knowing of your keen interest to know a little more about the Timorese process and our goals for the future.

I would like to thank you, for coming here today, and to acknowledge the Southeast Asian Studies program at SAIS and Asia Society Washington, D.C for organising this event and our Embassy for its support.

Since we began our struggle for self-determination and freedom, the pages of our History have been filled with massacres and hardships; but also with heroic deeds, victories and successes achieved by our People seeking to attain their right to Independence.

To talk about Timor-Leste is to talk about perseverance, hope, determination and courage.

For more recent times, it is also to talk about advances and setbacks, errors and lessons learned, conflicts and recovery. It is to talk about enormous challenges!

In sharing our experience, in terms of transition and change, I do so with an open mind, without trying to impose any type of model or political lesson. Indeed, as a LDC (Least Developed Country), our story is similar to that of many other countries throughout the world, with similar backgrounds and difficulties, and we know that we are not the only ones, undergoing continuous Peacebuilding and Statebuilding efforts, after emerging from a situation of long conflict.

I said that because there is no success formula that can be transferred from one country to the other, if we think that it will accelerate the transition towards development. On the contrary, it is necessary to respect the specific circumstances and timings of the reality of every country.

Every program, project or political decision must be objectively adapted to the cultural, social and economic context of each society. They must correspond to the needs and aspirations of the People, and be accepted by them.

Ignoring these facts is often the reason why international assistance to LDCs, undergoing transition, always fails.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Allow me to start by talking about ourselves, as People. Allow me to talk about what we were, what we are and what we want to be.

Timor-Leste is half of a small island, with the other half belonging to Indonesia. As such, we are located between two giants, Indonesia and Australia.

In addition to its ethnical, cultural and linguistic diversity, Timor-Leste underwent centuries of administration by foreign countries, in an endless conflicting co-existence, starting with the Portuguese colonial domination, which caused several struggles for independence, promoted by the various Timorese kingdoms. The last one was in 1912, and next year 2012, will mark its 100th anniversary.

While still recovering from that war, we were occupied by the Japanese from 1941 to 1945. Although this occupation was short lived, it covered the entire territory and caused great suffering to the Timorese, with dozens of thousands of deaths.

In 1963, as a result of the Cold War era, it was thought and may have been decided that the integration of Timor-Leste to Indonesia, would be the best solution for World Peace.

And so, it came to pass that in the fatal year of 1975 we started a new war. But this war would not have lasted 24 years, if other countries had not supplied weapons, tanks, aircraft and training to the Indonesian military, in order to improve their fighting skills and therefore annihilate the resistance of the small Timorese guerrilla army.

As such, we can say that our past, for centuries, in terms of conflict, was not one of conflicts between Timorese kingdoms or ethnicities. Instead, the war was between the Timorese and all those who came from the other side of the sea, the foreigners.

Evidently, having endured and fought alone for over two long decades, without any external military support, the Timorese people were scarred and developed a contesting nature that can propel them, easily, from peaceful demands into violent acts, without thinking about the consequences of their actions.

To make matters worse, the violence and the physical destruction that followed the Referendum, in 1999, deepened the already frail psychological and political situation and worsened the already miserable living situation of the people. On the brink of independence, the People of Timor-Leste struggled to even survive.

Still, the People of Timor-Leste made another display of their great spirit, by telling their Indonesian brothers and sisters that it was just our common past in fighting for freedom, and assuming a commitment to cooperate in solidarity and live in fraternity. The People of Timor-Leste also began an arduous period of Statebuilding.

Your Excellencies Ladies and Gentlemen,

With the arrival of the United Nations mission, and together with the international community, we began to build from scratch the foundations for our democratic institutions.

When, on 20 May 2002, we became the masters of our fate, as a State that was finally independent and sovereign, the expectations were that we, Timorese, might decide the future of our Nation. Naturally we believed that this future, in freedom, was promising.
But I would like to remind that there were some factors that seriously threatened this ideal, namely:
Lack of prepared and qualified human capital; 
Lack of political experience in democratic governance – a system that was
completely new to our society; 
Lack of basic infrastructure and other essential equipment; 
And, most importantly, the lack of financial resources of the Country itself.

Nevertheless, our people began with dignity to strive for a new life and for the better living conditions that they dreamed about. This led to a demanding society, both individually and

in terms of social groups, which expected immediate results, as if they would be the simple and logical outcome of emancipation.
Unfortunately, democracy does not triumph easily in a Country, that is mostly poor and psychologically traumatised.

For a family that starves both in times of war and of peace, that lives in precarious conditions and lacks access to health or education, democracy is a concept, too erudite and abstract to be well absorbed. Concepts such as tolerance, mutual respect, dialogue and even justice cannot be assimilated in a day, as a direct consequence of the rights and duties inherent in freedom.

The first social disturbance took place immediately after the euphoria of the celebrations of 20 May 2002. Then we had further disturbances every two years, as if Timor-Leste was condemned to a vicious cycle of violence.

In 2006, we had a serious political crisis that caused an atmosphere of insecurity in the Country and various other problems that eventually led to confrontations between the Police and the Military, resulting in hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people and countless damage to the State.

From these crises we learned our first major lesson: we urgently needed to learn to deal with the fragility of our State, which resided in the inability to address the root causes of problems, resulting in a trend to avoid problems rather than seeking proper solutions.

The truth is that there are no shortcuts for consolidating democracy and development. It is necessary to walk a long and arduous path, in order to change the mindset of our society and to transform the so-called democratic values into realities that every citizen can feel.
And is this not what we call Development? Yes, I know, it’s only one of the aspects; but an important one!

This is why 8 years of Independence are not enough to build a strong State, much less a developed society. It is natural that our young and fragile Nation had to contend with the resurgence of a few conflicts during this period.

We also needed to grow politically, that is, to impose a political will within State institutions to cooperate among themselves in the search for solutions, rather than focusing on the political dimensions of every situation and in doing so losing the judgement required to handle and solve crises.

Your Excellencies Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the end we reorganized and, in a more coordinated manner, looked for the way that was right for Timor-Leste. We succeeded in:
Today, leading a five-party Coalition Government that, when it came to office in August 2007, vowed to effectively introduce the necessary changes, we have achieved remarkable progress through a principle, that, is as simple as it is essential: to govern in dialogue!

We focused our efforts on establishing peace and stability, as well as solving the most critical problems of the Country, knowing that, without addressing the problem of stability and internal security, any development effort would be wasted.

It was through permanent dialogue and genuine cooperation between all Bodies of Sovereignty and Civil Society, together with the introduction of social justice measures, comprehensive reforms and public investment, that we managed to break the vicious cycle of conflict.
Solving the problem of the 150,000 IDPs in two years, while we were told it would take decades to resolve, like the experiences brought from several countries;
Reforming core institutions for national security and stability, namely the Police and the Military, which began a new stage of cooperation and solidarity, and, in doing so, they started to regain the trust of the people.
Starting a bold program to acknowledge our national heroes, the National Liberation Combatants, who were living in extreme poverty.

Introducing other social justice measures, namely the payment of pensions to the elderly, the disabled, widows and orphans who sacrificed so much so that Timor- Leste could be independent, and supporting other vulnerable groups such as women, children and youth, who make strong contributions to the stability and development of the Country.

From these initiatives, with their direct impact on the lives of the population, there was greater participation and confidence by all Timorese People towards the resolution of conflict and the consolidation of National Unity and Stability. This awareness resulted in the adoption of a new motto for our Nation, adopted in 2009, on the 10th Anniversary of the Referendum: “Goodbye Conflict, Welcome Development”.

Your Excellencies Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, we are prepared to greet this new decade, from 2011 to 2020, with optimism, and to lay the foundations for bold national development.

And what is it, which gives us the confidence to face this next challenge, without fear?

Being free from instability and conflict, that diverted our energies required for building the Country, we could avoid wasting time, human and financial resources, so much needed to be invested in the productive sectors of the Country. On the contrary, we are implementing institutional and structural reforms that are vital for development and economic growth.

We have started the reform in the defence and security sector, by improving training programs to ensure their professionalism, competence, ethics and discipline. We have professionalised the public sector and introduced State management reform, to enable better service delivery to the people, including in our rural areas.

On the other hand, we have been working to promote transparency and good governance, with the creation of the Civil Service Commission, the Anti-Corruption Commission and Public Finance Management reform, which will soon provide data on State expenditure, in real time, and available for public viewing through our website.

We also started building the capacity of our private sector, which was practically embrionic,

promoting criteria for competence, professional honesty and technical capability, in regard to the cost-effectiveness of projects. We believe that our private sector should become a true partner of the Government in this vital period of Country building.

Together with national stability and the reform of our tax system, to provide attractive rates for national and foreign investors, our Country also offers great investment potential in nearly every sector. Business opportunities are on the rise and one needs only to look at commerce, industry, construction and tourism to see that they are growing and that our economy is emerging.

The current situation in Timor-Leste speaks for itself. Even with the serious world financial crisis, Timor-Leste had two-digit economic growth rates for the past three years. In 2009 we had an economic growth rate of 13% – this was not only the highest growth rate in the region, but also one of the ten highest in the entire world.

This growth resulted in a 9% decrease of poverty, enabling around 96,000 people to escape from a situation of extreme poverty. The 2010 United Nations Human Development Index had Timor-Leste move up 14 positions, while the Millennium Development Indicators were met, in regard to child mortality rates and other health indicators.

We managed to create strong and dynamic growth, able to fight unemployment not only in the Country’s capital but also in the countryside, by way of funding a decentralised private sector building fund.

In addition, Timor-Leste also became only the third country in the world, to be granted full compliance with the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. The Revenue Watch Institute and Transparency International ranked Timor-Leste in 2010 as being in the group of the countries with the most transparency in regard of revenue.

Your Excellencies Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have a Country blessed with great natural wealth and our Petroleum Fund currently stands at approximately 7.2 billion dollars. This amount is expected to increase to more than 20 billion over the next ten years. And this revenue is from the Bayu Undan field only!

As a result of our experience in the long Liberation Struggle, we are accustomed to meeting great challenges. This means that, today, the people of Timor-Leste are determined to achieve sustainable growth and to free themselves from misery.

And so, after thoroughly reviewing our needs, we are currently drafting the Strategic Development Plan, which will include a lengthy public investment program for developing our human capital and the infrastructure required for sustaining a strong and growing economy.

What does Timor-Leste want to be in 20 years? Undoubtedly, it wants to be a country focused on the hydrocarbon industry, a country with dynamic urban centres and consolidation of rural areas to ensure that basic services reach every citizen.

For this to be possible, we must, first and foremost, accelerate the extension, diversification and modernisation of agriculture. In the meantime, we will need to focus on a new paradigm of production and productive employment opportunities through the enhancement of industry and tourism, social service delivery and human capital development.

If the needs of the country require fast and sustainable economic growth, we need to invest in basic infrastructure to be able to diversify the economy. We cannot, and we do not want, to be eternally and excessively dependent on oil revenues.

As such, Timor-Leste is strongly committed to building a petroleum industrial base, which includes the construction of a pipeline from the Greater Sunrise field to Timor-Leste’s onshore.

We have been discussing these development plans with the Australian company Woodside, and we believe that a pipeline from Greater Sunrise to Timor-Leste, is the only way to transform these sovereign resources into a benefit for Timor-Leste.

But, Ladies and Gentlemen, we need to use oil revenues to develop the Nation. As a development strategy, we want to make good use of our natural wealth and we want to be the legitimate part of their exploitation.

We have been conducting technical and feasibility studies with international companies and, in addition to being feasible, the Timor-Leste option represents an equitable distribution of benefit for Australia and Timor-Leste, and for their respective people. This is why, it is, an imperative for our joint development.

In view of this, we will start to develop the Southern Coast of our country, establishing a Supply Base, a Refinery and an LNG plant, as well as necessary infrastructure such as port, airport and roads.

We Timorese are ready for this tough battle towards development! And we know that we will achieve our dreams, because our People have always responded when our Homeland calls on them to act!

And what is important is that the current state of the Nation requires that all Leaders of the Country assume their historic responsibility and to 
be courageous in making decisions towards a brighter future for the People of Timor-Leste!

We are currently formalising our membership application for ASEAN, to be made during the Indonesian presidency of this regional forum. We believe that having Timor-Leste join ASEAN during the Indonesian presidency is of great symbolic value not only for Timor- Leste and Indonesia, but also for all the members of this Association.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Before I conclude, I would like to state that Timor-Leste is fortunate to be part of a region of the world that drives the global economy of today.

Our closest neighbours, Australia and Indonesia, are both regional economic powerhouses.

With Australian growth being fuelled by China and its demand for resources, Indonesia is becoming a remarkable success story.

We are integrating our economy in our East Asian region which includes Japan, China and South Korea as well as the major economies of ASEAN, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam.

Timor-Leste also had the honour, of being invited to preside over the ‘g7+’ group, which enables fragile and affected by conflict countries, to gather and to speak with a common voice, making use of the wisdom and shared experiences of a group representing 350 million people, from 17 member countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific.

This invitation happened, as a result of Timor-Leste hosting in April 2010, in Díli, the International Dialogue on Peace Building and State Building, which was chaired by Timor- Leste and the United Kingdom, with the participation of the LDCs from the ‘g7+’. The general goal of the ‘g7+’ is to awake leaders and peoples so that they may reacquire ownership of their processes, viewed within a long term perspective without losing sight of the characteristics of each country and their priorities, and without forgetting to focus also on the need for a better control and adjustment over outside help, requiring greater transparency by donors and beneficiaries, so that the real impact of that support can be seen in the development of the countries.

As a Nation, we have received the generous assistance of the International Community; which we hope to be able to reciprocate, in a genuine manner and within the same spirit of solidarity, by sharing experiences, both sweet and bitter, with other fragile countries throughout the world.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Finally, and in conclusion, I must mention that one of the key aspects that enabled our Country to move away from conflict, hopefully forever, was the fact that our leaders and our People accepted in a consensual manner that there was a deep need in our society to practice Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

In view of the complexity of our history, there is no better way to progress as a Nation than to cultivate forgiveness and social harmony within our society.

As Prime Minister of the young Timorese Nation, I am proud and moved to acknowledge the nobility and dignity of our People, who, despite decades of suffering and living in Poverty, remain steadfast and hopeful, working tirelessly in order to develop the Nation.
In conclusion, Ladies and Gentlemen, there is no development without democracy. But there is also no democracy without development.
Democracy is not an end; it is a process that makes people hold on to the commitment of

values and principles of humanity. Thus, democracy cannot be imposed. Societies and peoples will always have the exact moment to defend the values that constitute their individual and collective fundamental rights.
It has happened in the past, and it is happening in the present.There are no models of democracy or of development. The values are what we have in common and each country and its people are the ones who will know the path to take!
Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão
24 February 2011

CIJTL: Xanana nia Politika Maka Rekonsiliasaun Nasional

"CJITL flash, Dionisio Babo, Sekretariu Jeral partidu Conselhu Nasional ba Rekonstrusaun de Timor - CNRT konfirma katak maske CNRT mak kaer Aliansa Maioria Parlementar maibe durante tinan tolu laiha ida mak sai ministru Exeptu Xanana Gusmao hanesan Ministru Defeza no Siguransa.

"Ami nia ema mesak tur iha Sekretariu Estado deit, foin tinan kotuk ne'e mak ami tau Sr. Ivo Valente hanesan Vice Ministru Justica, antes ne'e ami laiha lista ministru nian" Babo konfirma ida ne'e liu husi seminar nakloke ho jornalistas iha Fundasaun Oriente, Terca feira foin lalais (1/3).

Agio Pereira, hanesan membru Conselhu Direitiva Nasional -CDN ba Partidu CNRT ne;ebe mos sai orador iha seminar ne'e hateten katak objektivu mak oinsa bele hakuak ema hotu atu dezenvolve nasaun ne'e.

"Sempre iha opiniaun ne'ebe mosu katak ema oportunista ou otonomista barak mak hamutuk ho AMP, maibe ida ne'e mak politika Maun Xanana atu hakuak ema hotu hodi promove unidade no rekonsiliasaun entre Timor oan iha nivel saida deit" Agio konfirma.  (Domingos da Silva/CJITL)

Responsavel Kaixa CNRT (uluk) Tama Partidu CNRT

Partidu CNRT halo tan istoria ida iha suku Duyung, sub distritu Metinaro, ne'ebe iha responvel sira uluk iha Kaixa, NUREP, CELCOM tama hikas fali ba partidu CNRT. Sira dehan " uluk ita hamutuk liberta patria ona, ogora fila fali tenki hamutuk fali ho maun boot iha partidu CNRT atu luta ba "liberta povo hasai husi mukit".

Iha fatin ne'eba mos vice Sekjen sr. Fo Laran hanesan ema luta nain ida konta historia pasadu iha resistensia nia laran too mai TL hetan ukun an. Historia atu hatuur/hametin espiritu nasionalismu, historia mos atu hatuur/hametin patriotismu ba jenasaun foun no jerasaun tuan ne'ebe seidauk hatene historia iha rai laran. Iha konsolidasaun ne'e, presidente husi oragnisasaun ida-idak : OJP ( sr. Xito) , OMP (sr. Iguilda) , KP (Ilidio/Sakoko) hato'o nia programa no visaun/misaun ba kuadrus politiku no militante no simpatisantes husi nivel sub distritu too ba aldeia.

Nune mos Sekjen partidu CNRT, sr. Dionisio Babo halo kompleta liu tan saida mak sr. Fo Laran mensiona liu husi historia komparativu husi rai liu hanesan Angola, Mosambique, Guine Bisau nebe ukun an kleur ona maibe sei funu fatin. Iha ninia koalia husu atu militante no simpatisante sira no kuadru politiku sira tenki kaer metin buat nebe sai savi ba desenvolvimentu  mak hanesan: valorisa historia uluk, valorisa vetaranu sira, valoirisa kultura, hametin unidade/pas. Taka ninia koalia, Sekjen partidu dehan ba militante no simpatisante sira katak " FIAR AN LAO BA OIN".

Nonok La Signifika Aseita

Ikus-ikus ne’e ita akompanha intervensaun politiko nain sira nian iha parlamentu, apoiantes no militantes partidu politiko sira liu-liu opozisaun sira iha Facebook to’o ONG Nasional balun tu’ur lametin hasai liafuan oin-oin hodi akuza Governo AMP ho liafuan korupsaun, naoksaun, ect,  a’at liu tan to’o hasai liafuan nebe ofende membro governo balun hanesan liafuan Autonomista, oportunista no seluk-seluk tan. Tuir hau nia opiniaun ne’e parte ida husi lalaok Demokrasia ita nia rai nian, tamba los duni katak ita hotu preokupa ba interese nasional, ita lakohi atu ema balun hodi sira nia interese privadu ka partidu nian hodi hariku matak sira nia a’an iha faze ukun rasik a’an ida ne’e. Hau sei lembra iha maluk ida (hau lakohi temi nia naran) iha Facebook hateten mai hau, “ema hotu iha direito atu espresa nia hanoin no opiniaun ba governante se-se deit, durante sira nia ukun”. Hau mos hatan ba nia katak opiniaun hirak ne’e importante naran katak labele joga agenda elite politiko balun nian. Tuir mai diskusaun sai manas liu no hasai liafuan sira oin-oin deit ona nebe lolos lamerese atu dehan (kompriende deit ona iha facebook nooooo…), ikus mai hodi liafuan badak hau dehan “ita konkorda atu la konkorda malu”. Issue hirak ne’e mos laos deit ona iha Facebok, maibe lori sai tiha kedas ba publiko liu husi jornal no iha diskusaun sira. Maluk balun mos komesa hakerek ona sira nia opinuan ka pontu de vista konaba issue hirak ne’e iha media no iha internet (Blogspot balun). Maibe ema hirak nebe temin nia naran (membro Governo sira balun) nebe sai alvo ba kritika hirak ne’e la sente ofende, liu-liu maun Bo’ot Xanana nebe nudar mos PM no ema resistensia ida la liga issue hirak ne’e. Sira hola pozisaun nonok alias cuek habis. Maibe atu oinsa ba mos ne’e interesente atu nudar publiko no povo babain bele akompanha no sani tuir saida mak akontese. Interesante tamba issue hirak ne’e iha parte ida bele refleta historia, maibe mos iha parte seluk bele refleta ba pozisaun politika. Pergunta mak ne’e tamba sa nonok deit?
Dala ida tan publiko mos akompanha  informasaun interesante ida nebe fo sai husi Organizasaun Juventude  Partidu Fretilin (OJT) liu husi conferensia Pers iha iha Delta, konaba rekaman nebee ema inventa PM IV Governo Konstitusional Sr. Kayrala Xanana Gusmão nia lian nebe kuase domina iha Dili laran no mos iha Distritu iha mobile canggih sira. Tuir sira (OJT) katak sira defende maun bo’ot  Xanana Gusmão nudar ema resistensia ida, hodi akuze ema hirak nebe inventa ne’e nudar ema nebe falta respeito ba ema resistensia, tamba ida ne’e sira husu ba PNTL atu identifika no kaptura ema hirak nebe halo hahalok ida ne’e. Maibe depois hare ba mai katak dala ida tan maun bo’ot Xanana laliga (cuek habis) ba ida ne’e, entaun laiha ema ida mak foti asuntu ida ne’e ba debate. To’o iha ne’e hamosu pergunta bo’ot ida tan. Tamba sa mak maun bo’ot Xanana  nonok deit alias cuek? Será que maun bo’ot Xanana aseita ho ida ne’e?

Interese Politika vs Maturidade Politika

Partidu politiko ida hamri’ik la ses husi interese politika. Atu hetan interese hirak ne’e, bele liu husi dalan no pratika oin-oin. Bele liu husi dalan legal ou mos illegal (Inpresta deit linguazen politiko Fretilin nian hasoru AMP hodi dehan Inkonstitusional), bele liu husi edukasaun politika ou bele liu husi agitasaun propaganda no sst. Hahalok no maneira hirak hanesan ne’e akontese iha pratika politika iha ita nia rai nian. Impresta Dom Basilio do Nascimento, Pr nia liafuan karik dehan “Partidu politiko sira mak organizasaun ida nebe atu hetan poder, atu mentém iha poder, atu exerse poder. Partido politiko nebe existe atu halo karidade ne’e vocação sala e politiko sira nebe dehan katak laiha tentasaun de poder ne’e mesak bosok ten ou hili dalan sala” (Intervensaun iha segundu konferensia partidu CNRT iha Hotel Arbiru, 24 de Abril 2009). Afirmasaun ida ne’e lori hau to’o iha pontu ida nebe hau temke dehan duni katak, hahalok no liafuan sira nebe nudar adverzario politiko ida halo, ne’e tentativo nebe lori ema atu hetan sira nia interese ka poder. Hau mos kompriende tamba sa mak nudar militantes ka simpatizantes sira tenke tebe rai ba nia lider partidu sira hodi organiza asaun oin-oin (bele halo karik agitasaun propaganda) ne’e hotu tamba satisfasaun de interese, nune’e sai lolos deit ona ho lifuan ida dehan “Objectivo lider sira nian mak manan ukun, militante sira nian mak satisfasaun de interese pesoal” (Intervensaun Amo Bispo Basilio iha Konferensia CNRT nian iha Hotel Arbiru, 24 de Abril 2009).
Tamba sa mak maun Xanana la reazem hasoru Issue inventa lian ka rekaman sira iha mobile ne’e? Hau nia resposta mak ne’e, katak la reazen porque ne’e agitasaun propaganda baratu nebe halo ka organiza husi adversario politiko sira. Simplesmente hau bele dehan diak liu nonok, duke sai sensitivo hanesan lider politiko balun hatudu ona iha Facebok, biar labarik ida mak hato’o kritika oan ruma mos halo kedas defeza de Honra (inpresta regimento parlamentu nian) hodi halo kontra de atake to’o labarik ne’e hakruuk. Hau bele imajina katak ne’e mak attitude, maneira kada lider ida nian. Hau hanoin ne’e mos indikasaun ida katak Maun Bo’ot Xanana hatudu ona ba ita oinsa nia hatudu nia maturidade politika. Ita hotu bele akompanha durante debate orsamentu Geral (OGE) hahu husi primeiro Apresentasaun husi Orsamentu Ratifikativo iha 2007 to’o OGR 2011 nian foin dadauk. Ita hotu bele akompanha laos deit dinamika demokrasia nebe buras, maibe mos dinamika trata malun nian iha parlamentu. Liafuan oin-oin nebe mai husi opozisaun sira, balun ho mamar maibe sadik, balun fali hateten deit mak Traidor no oportunista nakonu iha AMP, balun mos halo atakasaun ba Personalidade maun bo’ot Xanana nian, no buat-buat oin deit mak publiko akompanha.
Biar nune’e maun bo’ot Xanan ho nia charisma no esperiensia lideransa durante tinan 20 resin, hatan ho pasensia no rona saida mak opozisaun sira hato’o. Maun bo’ot Xanana nia liafuan mak ne’e “Ktitika malun ne’e buat normal tebes iha ambiente demokrasia laran, so que labele lori to’o ba iha ema nia personalidade”. Ne’e hatudu katak lider resistensia nebe ho esperiensia iha lideransa hatudu nia fuan bo’ot hodi rona no simu kritika hotu-hotu maski balun abusivo oitoan. Lideransa ida nune’e, importante tebes atu ita hare no lao tuir, basa tempu ohin loron iha demokrasia ida hanesan ita nian, ita bele iha interese ba, ita bele halo propaganda oin-oin, maibe importante mak hatudu ita nia lideransa ida nebe hatene hakuak ema hotu no bele simu opiniaun hotu nebe ho intensaun atu hadia nasaun doben ida ne’e.


Iha sosiedade Timor Leste, liu-liu ema hirak nebe hela karik iha fatin sira izoladu ou karik ladun akompanha iha prosesu luta ba ukun rasik a’an nian, ou liu tan ida ne’e nunka akompanha lideransa maun bo’ot Xanana nian iha tempu hirak ba kotuk, nia labele kompriende duni saida mak maun bo’ot Xanana halo no implementa durante iha nia lideransa. Ema balun mos hanoin katak ho deit lianguazen politika konaba korupasaun, oportunista ka otonomista, inventa lian iha rekaman sira hodi espalha, ne’e hamihis ona popularidade Xanana nian iha palku politika, maibe totalmente la’e e pelu kontrario. Tamba maun bo’ot Xanana hatene hatuur a’an ho lolos kedas no persiza hatan ka fo importansia ba buat hirak nebe merese atu hatan. Publiko bele kestiona konaba jestu hirak ne’e, opozisaun bele kontinua halo agitasaun propaganda nune’e, maibe ikus liu mak ne’e, katak nonok deit no lakohi tau ba kestaun ba debate tamba konsidera nudar pratika no agitasaun baratu. Dala ida tan nonok la signifika aseita. Nonok tamba hakarak hatudu maturidade politika ba publiko no liu-liu ba opozisaun sira. Nonok tamba konfia ba povo iha rai ida ne’e katak, sira matenek tebes atu interpreta buat nebe los no buat nebe sala. Nonok tamba hatene katak povo ida ne’e sei la monu ba tentasaun hirak nebe konsidera baratu tebes iha ambiente demokrasia ida nia laran. Nonok mos atu fo oportunidade ba opozisaun sira atu kontinua buka maneira para hasai strategia no energia oin-oin hodi lansa agitasaun sira seluk tan hodi ikus mai hakoi a’an mesak ho propaganda hira nebe hamosu.

Hakerek nain nudar Vendedor Ikan iha Tasi ibun Lecidere – Dili.
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